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Charlotte's Baptism

Charlotte was baptized this weekend at the church Kaye and I will be joining in the next couple weeks.. No screaming. No fussing. Just pretty much sat there and took the whole thing in. After she's baptized, the minister walks her down down the aisle and introduces her to the congregation. At the end of the service, she takes the baby out with her and greets everyone as they leave church. As you can see from the video, I'm usual.

Kaye's brother Mark, my sister Chris, and brother-in-law Dale, were her sponsors. Grandma Michael was also here for the weekend. Kaye's family and my family all got together for brunch after the service on Sunday. All in all, good weekend. Charlotte was exhausted on Sunday. She slept from about 4:00 PM on Sunday until 6:30 AM Monday morning [except for a few feedings and a burst of energy for about an hour Sunday before bed]. Check out the pics from this weekend below.

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