For all your Michael family news and photo needs.


It's too bad I didn't have a jump shot...

Grandma Michael was here this past weekend. She hasn't been able to get over to see Charlotte since she was born, so it was a long time coming. I have some pics and video I'll try to put up later.

Yesterday I was treated to a very nice birthday present: a clean bill of health for Charlotte. She's in the 75th percentile for her weight and head size [wait for it...] and 90th in weight. Her shots were traumatic, there were lots of tears...and Charlotte cried too.

So, back to this head size thing. One of my co-workers informed me that they were told how tall their child would be based on the size of the child's head. That got me thinking. If head size is an indicator of height, shouldn't I be around 9 feet tall? If I only had a jump shot.

Who am I kidding? I didn't even have a layup.


Who are Colin Hay and Willy Porter, Alex.

I've received a few questions about the music in the background of the video posted after Charlotte was born. The first song is Colin Hay's, "Hold on to My Hand". Colin was the singer in Men at Work and is great solo artist.

The second song is, Willy Porter's "Water Color Sunrise". Again, great singer/songwriter and amazing guitar player. This was the song Kaye and I danced to at our wedding, not realizing that it was over 5 minutes long. I realize the title of this Blog implies we are, but neither of us are so self-indulgent that we feel people need to watch us dance for 5 minutes.


Picture Machine?

While Charlotte was in the hospital after her birth, they weren't able to take her newborn picture, because the "Picture Machine" wasn't working. I wanted to ask if that was medical speak for "camera", but I thought the staff had heard enough of my sense of humor.

So, about 2 weeks ago, she was finally able to go in and get her picture taken. They ended up giving us a free print package because we had to wait so long. Actually, I didn't even realize they sold you those pictures...but I suppose it makes sense.

The pic is also on the Gunderson Lutheran web site.


Charlotte get's a bath...finally!!

Ok, she has been bathed, but this was her first fully submerged bath. I don't think she liked it so much.

Poor kid. We just had to put up with our parents showing our naked baby photos/videos to our friends and family. Charlotte's are now on the web.


FAQ #3: Re-revisited and a few pics

The sleep thing is getting better. Charlotte wakes up once a night and even managed to sleep through one night. We've got sleep experts from Princeton working on finding out what we did right that night.

We did a little clothes shopping the other day and Charlotte decided she'd like to dress more like Dan Maglior, inventor of the "long sleeve under the short sleeve" look. We soon hope to incorporate the "North Face" Vest while we anxiously await the Danny Mag summer collection.

If you look closely at one of the pictures, she's giving the Corna or "Rock-On" sign. She already rocks!! It's only a matter of time before she's begging for her Judas Priest onesie.

P.S. For anyone who doesn't know Dan [or Judas Priest], I apologize for the obscure reference.


FAQ #3: Getting any sleep?

I'm doing fairly well in that regard. Kaye? Not so much, depending on the night. Charlotte is up every 2-3 hours for varying amounts of time to eat. She isn't a big fan of her crib yet. So, for now, she's spending her nights in a baby papasan chair . We're still pretty early in the game on this sleep thing, so we're not to worried about it yet. Easy for me to say, huh? Given my lack of the appropriate feeding "tools", there's not a lot I can do when she's hungry at 3 AM. We're working on making some "food" available for me to feed her, but we haven't reached our full "production capacity" it's a little hard. I'm pretty honest about my uselessness when it comes to late night feeding and Kaye taking the brunt of the lack of sleep. When I answer this question, people's response is funny. It's either an amused understanding or mild disgust. Then again, that's people's response to a lot of things I say.

Otherwise things are going well. Charlotte had her first visit to the doctor last week. Everything checked out. She had her first New Years Eve party last weekend. That she slept through. How she can manage to sleep through a group of middle aged men playing "Guitar Hero 2" but can't manage to give her mother more than a few hours of sleep at a time at home, I'll never know. Then again, it was preceded by a short trip in the car...which is like baby Ambien to Charlotte.

I returned to work yesterday after almost 2 1/2 weeks off with Kaye and Charlotte. Returning to work was not easy. Obviously, I'd rather be home with my 2 week old child. But just the thought of returning to work was tough. I grew up in a family of teachers. People [not me] complain that teachers make too much money considering they "get the summers off". However, now I'm convinced that they have to pay them that much just to come back after a summer off. I can't imagine having all that time off and then trying to convince myself that returning to work is a good thing.

Lastly, Charlotte and I discussed the prospect of Brett Favre's retirement and we both agree he should stick around for one more year, at least.