For all your Michael family news and photo needs.


I'm a horrible influence [as if we needed another example]

Several Oktoberfests ago, every picture anyone took of me I looked like this. For some reason I thought it was funny. It's bad enough that I've apparently dragged Kaye down to my level. But, it's very sad that I couldn't shield my daughter from such behavior. Next thing you know, she'll be wearing a German alpine hat and yelling "This hat is makin' me hot!!". [That one's for you, "M-Lo"]


Have you ever seen paralyzing fear?

It's still better than our experience with the Easter Bunny.

I'd feel bad watching it if it weren't so darn funny. She's a good sport.


I have video again...

The replacement cord for my video camera finally came in so I was able to upload some video. There's more coming.

First, we have some video from the Oktoberfest Parade. Every year I march with the UWL Alumni band. A few things to note about the video. I really wish they'd stop selling those horns to people along the parade route. This video is shot by Kaye who typically standing at the end of the parade route. The band isn't terribly disciplined anyway, but by the end of the parade route it's a bit loose [to say the least]. Beer isn't exactly in short supply along the route and these people aren't getting any younger. Lastly, you'll notice Matthew at the end of the clip. I encourage him and his friend Rob to start marching with us. I may live to regret that.

Next, I have some video from Charlotte's B'day

I'll be getting more video up later.