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Somebody's been studying daddy...

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I almost feel bad, but was bound to happen sooner or later. Also note the Packer bib. I'd wear one if they made it in my size.

Also, due to some complaints from my sister about not seeing Charlotte in any of the clothes she's purchased, I give you...
Presents from Auntie Chris
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Abject Fear

I've learned that there are points in your life where people have a lot of advice. For us as a couple, it started with the purchase of our dog, Lucy. The wedding was another example, along with Kaye's pregnancy. So, of course, raising Charlotte is the latest. I wasn't prepared for the onslaught of "advice". I say "advice" because all too often, it's not really advice, it's people telling you how they do/did things and why everything else is wrong. In the end, if feels like people aren't allowing you to have your own experience. In other words, nothing you're experiencing is new or original. Typically, nothing is new or original...but it is to us.

Good or bad, I think Kaye and I went into this experience fairly well prepared, mentally. Most of this is fairly obvious...from the immediate love you feel for the child to the lifestyle changes [ala FAQ #4] to the complete exhaustion. To be honest, I fell in love with Charlotte the day Kaye and I decided we'd try to have children. I just hadn't met her yet. What I wasn't prepared for was the paralyzing fear that something could happen to her. It started the day we found out Kaye was pregnant. Both Kaye and I tried to be as careful as possible with her pregnancy, but I became almost superstitious, something I typically am not. Now, I find myself checking on her at night to make sure she's ok.

Saturday night, we picked up Charlotte from Kaye's parent's after being out to dinner with some friends. I was putting her down to change her [yes, me] and she went into what I can only describe as a "choking fit". She couldn't breath and was heaving as if she was vomiting. There was panic and crying...and Charlotte was pretty upset too. When Kaye got to the room, Charlotte was crying and still having some problems breathing. After crying for another 15 minutes, she finally settled down. I'd appreciate it if she didn't do that again and I'm guessing she feels the same way.

One more thing....

How I forgot to mention this, I don't know. Regardless, on Saturday morning Charlotte rolled over for the first time...twice I didn't see either one, but I'm told it was spectacular. Both times happened while I stepped out of the room. Of course, she hasn't done it since. Maybe I should leave the room again.


First pictures.

Apparently we were too busy eating to take any pictures of Charlotte enjoying her first Easter. We spent Saturday night with Kaye's family and Sunday at my cousin Sue's home in Lomira. Charlotte slept the whole way down. Let's hope she keeps that habit up for future travels. Sue put on a HUGE spread-a Big thank you to her and everyone who helped her. I ate entirely too much.

My uncle Gerry commented that Charlotte seemed to be a fairly easygoing and quiet child. I thanked him for jinxing us. Like clockwork, about an hour later Charlotte entered into a screaming fit rivaling only those she had the first night she was home when she wasn't getting enough to eat. We're assuming [read: hoping] it was gas. After about an hour [may have been more like 1/2 hour...but seemed like an eternity], Kaye got her settled down and sleeping. So, we said our good-byes and ran out the door while she was in a good mood. Thankfully, she slept the whole way home.

Lastly, I'd be remissed if I didn't send a "shout-out" [yea, that's right, I said "shout-out"] to my cousin Marnie who got engaged last week. Congratulations!

That's the lucky girl in the middle.