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Two years old

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Last weekend we had Charlotte's 2nd birthday party. Although she didn't say it, Charlotte really appreciated so many family members traveling to celebrate with her. We also celebrated her cousin Matthew's b'day the night before, so I'm fairly certain that she now believes that the song "Happy Birthday" was specifically written for her and Matthew.

On Monday we also went to have her picture taken with Santa. The line to see him was about an hour long and circled around the children's play area in the mall. So, needless to say, it was bedlam in playland. There even came a point when Kaye had to lay down the law with a couple boys who were roughhousing and knocked Charlotte down. That moment made the hour plus wait worth every minute.

Regardless, this picture went a little better than our experience with the Easter Bunny. I will say, however, that this picture doesn't really do justice to Charlotte's obvious aprehension when she was placed on Santa's knee. But, she managed to hold it together, smile, and take a fairly good picture.
From Christmas08
I do have video of her B'day and the picture with Santa. Unfortunately, my USB cable for my camera seems to have been lost in our move to Madison. I've ordered a new one and hope to have some video up ASAP.


School day care?

Yea...and tomorrow we have our first parent/teacher conferences. Here's how I see this going.

Teacher: Ok, Mr. and Mrs. Michael. Charlotte is doing well developmentally. Her language is ahead of schedule. She's learning her alphabet, numbers [Spanish and English], colors, and several songs. Um, we were just wondering. Who taught her the "Butt Dance"?
From School Pics
Charlotte also had her 2 year check-up. Other than reaffirming that, for some reason, health care personnel don't find me funny, it was fairly uneventful. Depending on where they measure from, she should be about the same height as her mother. However, like her father, if her height was determined by the size of her head, she's on pace for 8'2".